I don't remember seeing rainbows when I lived in Sacramento near Sac State (and one of those years it flooded due to excessive rain).
There must be something particular to the foothills where I live.......because we regularly have the pleasure of big beautiful rainbows that arch across the entire sky.
Today, I was treated to one below when I went to get my mail.
That rainbow you see is actually the visible light of the electromagnetic spectrum.The reason the sky is blue is because the blue light waves are shorter and scatter the easiest as the suns energy penetrates the earths atmosphere.I beleive it is called rayleigh scatter.
Well I am looking for new shopping cart today.donations are welcome.
The reason that you see rainbows in EDH and didn't see them in the city, is because God gives special treatment to people who live in EDH. Which of course, explains the higher real estate prices in EDH.
Tee hee hee....most likely I was just too busy to look back then....working downtown and paryting like a rock star right out of college =)
Get off your asses and buy some real estate please.Help support the economy cheap asses.
If making sound business decisions about how to invest my families' resources is being a "cheap ass," I wear that badge with pride. As much as I would like to "help support the economy," my family and its financial health come first. I can only pray that I never make significant financial decisions (like buying a house) based on concern that some small segment of society will resort to name calling.
Although I am only guessing, it would appear that at least one reader of this blog was not well positioned for what many predicted was an inevitable downturn. Although we are sympathetic with the plight of those who are suffering, the personal misfortunes and mistakes of others does not compel my family to repeat their mistakes.
Although I cannot and do not speak for all of the readers, as to those that I know, we will continue to be patient and wait until prices stabilize, at whatever point that is, and then we will make a purchase that our families can afford, paying 20% (or more) as downpayment, and obtaining a fixed rate mortgage for the balance. We will use the services of a licensed real estate professional, a title company, a lender, a home inspector, and likely others, feeding our money into the local and national economy. Merely because we do not buy a home based on the arbitrary time-line of others, does not mean we will not and do not support the economy.
Perhaps someone will do a post sometime about how poor economic decisions, constantly trying to live beyond your income and means, and saddling our descendants with mountains of public and private debt, for the purpose of acquiring more than we can afford in the way of houses and toys, somehow "supports the economy."
We sure could have used a lot less of that "support" in 2005-2006. The economy and most families would be in much better shape today.
Speaking of support....just read the NYT article today....sounds like government backed plans are getting circulated with more urgency now. The negative equity graphic associated with the article is rather staggering for the "West".
Yesterday we spotted an incredible double rainbow in Davis. I immediately thought of you.
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