Recently received two glossy auction publications in the mail from Hudson & Marshall, one for SoCal and one for NorCal. Inside cover reads...."Don't be intimidated by the auction process!"
Background: Over the summer, hubby and I thought we would attend one of the auctions. After we registered (which is how we ended up on H&Ms mailing list) online we started to read more of the details on the auction process, rules, and associated fees. We also tried to browse some of the many listings, but there weren't many pictures and not much info to accompany the listings. Once we realized what a sham the whole thing was, we decided it wasn't worth the trip or waking up the kids (who were napping).
Based on the mailings, it appears they are stepping up their service to generate more interest. The nice glossy is a welcome change from the frustrating experience I had earlier. I believe they were previously operating under the (mistaken) impression impression that$10k - $30k off market would be enough to generate crowds of bidders. We all know how well that worked out for them based on Agent Bubble's diligent follow up (at last report, less than half the properties actually closed escrow).
Again, inside cover reads, "Over 90% of the bids were accepted the day of the auction." I call BS!
The Sacramento auction set for Nov 18th. If anyone attends, please give post a report.